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[E] mattablox
[E] mattablox
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over 13 years ago
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over 7 years ago
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i built my house, did some cultures and i m doing a farm with animals . I have a lot of items that i want to sell but i can t speak : it says nobody hears you. can you tell me how to do to speak? and how to sell easily items please !
over 13 years ago
the wiki is not working so can you tell me what to do in first? where i need to go to build a house please
over 13 years ago
it says error 404 when i go on the wiki and i started to play and i don t know where to go and what to do
over 13 years ago
it works! thank you a lot. but it s a server pvp isnt it? people are against people or they can buid things together?
over 13 years ago
hello i m french and i don t understand very much english. I did a apllication and i receved a mail to say it was good and i m looking for the address IP of the server but i don t find it ! help me please
over 13 years ago